#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from socket import * import socks import argparse import time from ipaddress import * import threading VERSION='1.3.0' def getPortInfo(port, portfile): """ Get info about service commonly used on this port """ ## Start reading the file from start of the file portfile.seek(0) ## Read every line until EOF line = "init" while line != '': line = portfile.readline() ## Don't read lines that are commented out if line[0] == '#': continue ## Split line using tab as delimiter and read the port number split_line = line.split('\t') portnum = split_line[1].split('/')[0] ## If portnum equals port return the name of service if int(portnum) != port: continue else: return split_line[0] return "portinfo_error" def getBanner(host, port, wait, notor): """ Receive first 80 bytes from port, return string of received data Don't use Tor if address is private. """ try: if ip_address(host).is_private: notor = True except: pass ## If notor is set to True, it doesn't use the socks proxy if notor: sckt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) else: sckt = socks.socksocket() sckt.settimeout(wait) ## connect and return banner try: sckt.connect((host, port)) banner = sckt.recv(80) sckt.close() return banner.decode().replace('\n','') except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except: return "banner_error" def connScan(host, port, wait, notor, openports): """ Open connection on specific port, return True if successful If notor is set to True, it doesn't use the socks proxy """ if notor: sckt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) else: sckt = socks.socksocket() sckt.settimeout(wait) ## Try to connect, return True on success and add to openports, return False on failure try: sckt.connect((host, port)) sckt.close() openports.append(port) return True except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except: return False def portScan(host, ports, wait, notor, jobs): """ Go through all ports and call connScan for each, return list of open ports If there is more threads than JOBS, wait until they finish. """ openports = list() threads = list() for p in ports: if p > 65535: return openports while threading.activeCount() >= jobs + 1: pass thread=threading.Thread(target=connScan,args=(host, p, wait, notor, openports)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() ## Wait until all threads are done for thread in threads: thread.join() return openports def hostScan(host, ports, wait, notor, jobs): """ Go through all hosts and call portScan for each one, return dictionary of hosts with their open ports """ ret = dict() ## Check if python version 3 try: host = unicode(host) except: pass ## Check if host is a network range, don't use tor for private IPs try: ips = ip_network(host) if ips.num_addresses > 1: for ip in ips.hosts(): if ip.is_private: ret[str(ip)] = portScan(str(ip), ports, wait, True, jobs) else: ret[str(ip)] = portScan(str(ip), ports, wait, notor, jobs) else: if ips.is_private: ret[str(host)] = portScan(str(host), ports, wait, True, jobs) else: ret[str(host)] = portScan(str(host), ports, wait, notor, jobs) ## Otherwise scan host as usual except: if host == 'localhost': ret[str(host)] = portScan(str(host), ports, wait, True, jobs) else: ret[str(host)] = portScan(str(host), ports, wait, notor, jobs) return ret def main(): ## Record time of program starting in seconds startTime = time.time() ## Define and parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple stateful port scanner that works over Tor") parser.add_argument("--version", dest="version", help="print version information and exit", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("HOSTS", help="IP address or domain to scan", default="empty_host", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("-H", "--hosts", metavar="HOSTS", dest="tgtHost", help="IP address or domain to scan", default="empty_host_option") parser.add_argument("-p", "--ports", metavar="PORTS", dest="tgtPort", help="ports to scan, seperated by a comma", default="80,631,161,137,123,138,1434,445,135,67,23,53,443,21,139,22,500,68,520,1900,25,4500,514,49152,162,69,5353,111,49154,3389,110,1701,998,996,997,999,3283,49153,445,1812,136,139,143,53,2222,135,3306,2049,32768,5060,8080,1025,1433,3456,80,1723,111,995,993,20031,1026,7,5900,1646,1645,593,1025,518,2048,626,1027,587,177,1719,427,497,8888,4444,1023,65024,199,19,9,49193,1029,1720,49,465,88,1028,17185,1718,49186,548,113,81,6001,2000,10000,31337,9001,8333") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", metavar="TIMEOUT", dest="sockTimeout", type=int, help="seconds to wait before connection timeout for each port", default=3) parser.add_argument("--clearnet", dest="clearnet", help="don't use Tor for scanning, connect directly instead", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--banner", dest="banner", help="print data received from open ports", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--torport", metavar="TORPORT", dest="torPort", type=int, help="port on which Tor is listening on", default="9050") parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", metavar="JOBS", dest="jobs", type=int, help="maximum number of open connections at the same time", default="10") parser.add_argument("--output", metavar="OUTFILE", dest="outFile", help="write scan results to output file", default="empty_outfile") args = parser.parse_args() ## Version argument if args.version: print("Tmap " + VERSION) print("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later ") print("This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.") print("There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.") exit() ## Set Tor as default Tor proxy for the scanner socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, "", args.torPort) ## Load nmap-services file PORTFILE = open("nmap-services", "r") ## Combine HOST and --hosts values if args.HOSTS == "empty_host": if args.tgtHost == "empty_host_option": parser.print_help() print ("Host must be specified") exit() else: args.HOSTS = args.tgtHost else: if args.tgtHost != "empty_host_option": args.HOSTS = args.HOSTS + "," + args.tgtHost ## Load specified ports into PORTS list PORTS = list() for p in args.tgtPort.split(","): ## If p is not a range, add it to the list of ports to scan if "-" not in p: try: p = int(p) PORTS.append(p) except: parser.print_help() print("Ports must be integers") exit() ## If p is a range, add a range of ports to the list of ports to scan else: try: p = list(map(int, p.split("-"))) except: parser.print_help() print("Ports in a range must be integers") exit() ## Range needs to be defined as exactly two integers separated by "-" if len(p) != 2 or p[0] > p[1]: parser.print_help() print("Port range improperly defined") exit() else: p = list(range(p[0],p[1]+1)) PORTS += p ## Load other variables HOSTS = args.HOSTS.split(",") WAIT_TIME = args.sockTimeout CLEARNET = False BANNER = False OUTFILE = args.outFile JOBS = args.jobs if args.clearnet: CLEARNET=True if args.banner: BANNER=True ## Check if Tor is running emptylist=list() if CLEARNET == False: if connScan("", args.torPort, 3, True, emptylist): pass else: print("Tor is not running on port {}.".format(args.torPort)) exit() ## Checking for file output if OUTFILE != "empty_outfile": f = open(OUTFILE, "w") else: f = sys.stdout ## Display message that scan is starting f.write("Starting a scan...\n") ## Scan each host in HOSTS list r = dict() for h in HOSTS: r = hostScan(h, PORTS, WAIT_TIME, CLEARNET, JOBS) for i in r.keys(): if len(r[i]) == 0: continue f.write('Tmap scan report for {}\n'.format(i)) if BANNER == False: f.write('PORT\tSTATE\tSERVICE\n') for j in r[i]: service = getPortInfo(j,PORTFILE) f.write('{}\topen\t{}\n'.format(j,service)) if BANNER: f.write('PORT\tSTATE\tSERVICE\tBANNER\n') for j in r[i]: banner = getBanner(i,j,WAIT_TIME, CLEARNET) service = getPortInfo(j,PORTFILE) if banner == "banner_error": f.write('{}\topen\t{}\n'.format(j,service)) else: f.write('{}\topen\t{}\t{}\n'.format(j,service,banner)) ## Record time of program stopping and display the time running to the user endTime = time.time() totalTime = round(endTime - startTime, 2) f.write("Scan done in {} seconds\n".format(totalTime)) if OUTFILE != "empty_outfile": print("Results written to {}".format(OUTFILE)) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()